iStayclean Update!

Welcome to the new iStayclean website! It’s been some years since I’ve done a blog post., so bear with me now hahaha. If this is your first time seeing the new site you’ll notice it’s changed a fair bit. There is also a reason for that as well. These past few years I’ve gone through some life changes that needed more focus. I’ve now finally come to a time where I feel ready I can show the site more love. So expect more content being created for both the site and social media pages.

Over the years I haven’t seen much improvement in my eyes of the car community. In some instances it’s gotten much worst. From idiotic Take Over Events and seeing so much “Amazon” looking parts on cars at Car Events. I feel it’s more important to showcase and talk about quality more than ever. That’s where this EM1 comes into topic. It took about a year to piece this clean example of a build with quality parts and work. It has that slight upgrade from just an OEM+ type of build. The additions of the First Molding hood, J Blood and J’s Racing fenders adds that bit of additional function to the EM1. Let’s also not forget the Mode Parfume Side skirts and Rear Lip.Then you have the ever timeless wheel setup of a set of clean Regamaster Evos, with a pair of Spoon Calipers to really pull it all together. Once you open up the First Molding hood, you’ll notice something special about this Specific B Series…Not only is it a Type R B series, it also had the treatment from KingMotorsports.

Quality parts from Japan, with a special B series swap is all that it took to put together something that will turn heads. Fitment and cleanliness goes a long way as well. Something that I feel is often overlooked and rush in some cases. If only more people paid a little more attention to detail, then maybe we could see more builds that inspire the younger generation. Instead of the janky and half ass stuff that I do see more often than I would like.


Owner: (IG) @itr_Jozay

Car: 2000 Honda Civic Si (EM1)


iStayclean Cars & Coffee: presented by Murph Coffee Co!